Planning Process

The Plan for Pitt planning process began in January 2020 with the establishment of the steering committee and over 50 community input sessions across all five campuses. Early community input was also collected via an online survey. The community input was consolidated and shared in March 2020 with goal committee members, and the goal committees worked on draft content until approximately May 2020. The steering committee combined the content to develop a “zero draft” to share with University leadership in June of 2020.

The events of summer 2020 – both the COVID-19 pandemic and the national conversation around social justice – necessitated a pause in planning. Planning resumed in Fall 2020 and the plan was reorganized around three pillars. The Plan Framework was shared in Spring of 2021, and the final draft of the plan was debuted to the Board of Trustees in June 2021. Final Board endorsement is anticipated in September 2021.

Throughout the plan development process, community input has been collected and incorporated into the Plan for Pitt. To facilitate transparency, input that has been received in the course of the planning process is provided on these pages.

Steering Committee

View members of the Plan for Pitt Steering Committee.

Planning Liaisons

Every school or unit identified a liaison for the Plan for Pitt process.